Bike trips from Vítkovice
Vítkovice - Harrachov and back - approx. 40km
Staré hory, Rezek, Dvoračky, crossroads above Rokytnice „Ručičky“, Harrachov-Rýžoviště, further upstream Mumlava, Mumlavské waterfalls, Krakonošova breakfast, Vosecká bouda, back to Ručičky, Dvoračky, Rezek, Vítkovice Aldrov, Staré hory
Vítkovice - Labská bouda and back - approx. 36km
Old mountains, hotel Prague Vítkovice, along the road Dolní Mísečky, Horní Mísečky, Zlaté vrchší, Labská bouda back
Vítkovice - Špindlerův Mlýn and back - approx. 40km
Staré hory, MÚ Vítkovice, after turning left, Benecko, Rovinka, Arnika, Labská vodní nádrž, Špindlerův Mlýn and back
Vítkovice - Rokytnice nad Jizerou - Jablonec nad Jizerou - Poniklá and back - approx. 40km
Staré hory, Rezek, Františkov, Rokytnice nad Jizerou, crossroads U Kroupů, Jablonec nad Jizerou, Poniklá, Jestřabí, Roudnice, Vítkovice Aldrov, Staré hory
Not far from the apartments - about 800m - is a bike bus stop. It runs from May to October - from us in the morning between 8-9 o'clock. - travels through the entire Giant Mountains recruits tourists and cyclists. It goes on the way from Harrachov, through Rokytnice, Vítkovice in Krk., Jilemnice, Vrchlabí, Jánské Lázně to Pec pod Sněžkou. It is also possible to connect to Horní Mísečky and Špindlerův Mlýn. In the afternoon - about around 4 p.m. - returns from Pec pod Sněžkou on the same route.

Recommended bike trips
From Horní Mísečky to the source of the Elbe and to Vrchlabí - length 34 km
For Rokytnice Belt for patriots - the length of 35 km
Podkrkonoše circuit - length 77 km
From Kořenov via three lookout towers to Jilemnice - length 34 km
Giant Mountains Diagonal - length 69 km
Giant Mountains circuit - length 130 km
From Harrachov to Poniklá - length 44 km
From Špindlerův bouda behind the Krkonoše huts to Vrchlabí - length 27 km
The first Krkonoše cycling educational trail - length 19 km
Long descents
To Harrachov around Lysá hora - length 14 km
Studenov Congress - length 12 km
A long descent from Hnědý vrch to Vrchlabí - length 21 km
Stepanický descent - length 20 km
Exit from Výrovka to Strážné - length 21 km
To the Little Elbe - length 22 km
For a ride in Hucule - 24 km
Downhill through the Mumlava valley - length 25 km
Where the Elbe flows - length 24 km